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Build a book: Guided publishing

Through the PubLaunch Marketplace, you can hire suppliers, publishers, or publishing consultants to help you prepare your book project for publication. Our Marketplace includes two paths for writers: build your own team and guided publishing. This guide walks you through the Guided Publishing path one step at a time.

Guided publishing – An general overview

In the guided publishing path, you’ll tell us a bit about your book project, upload the most recent version of your manuscript, and then explore our curated list of trusted hybrid publishers and publishing consultants, applying to those you’d like to work with.

If the publisher or consultant is interested in pursuing your book project, they’ll provide a full estimate and a contract for you to sign. You can then review their terms and choose to accept or reject the publisher or the consultant’s proposal.

Sign up (or sign in) and get started

Using the Build a Book link from the main menu (found under the Get Started tab) or the Build a Book link on our homepage, you will be prompted to either sign up for a writer account or sign in. Those who are already signed in will be directed straight to the Get Started window (see figure below).

Sign in, click Get Started, and you’re on your way!

Choose your publishing path

The first step of the Build a Book process asks you to choose which publishing path you’d like to take: build your own team or guided publishing. For more information on the different paths, check out our Learning Center and FAQ.

Tell us about your book

In this next step, you’ll tell us (and your future publisher or consultant) a bit about your book. Select all genres that apply to your manuscript, and include your working book title, the word count of your most recent manuscript, and a description of your book.

When preparing your description, think of it as a pitch to potential publishers and consultants. An effective description will include more than just your book’s synopsis: you should also discuss your book’s target market, compare your plot and writing style to other writers, and even outline possible sales and marketing possibilities.

Before you click the “Save and Choose a Publisher” button, upload the most recent version of your manuscript.

Browse and apply to publishers and consultants

At this stage, you’ve prepared your submission and can now browse available publishers and consultants.

Each publisher/consultant will appear as a thumbnail under the Available heading (see below).

Click on the “See More” button on their thumbnails to view their full profiles. Be sure to read their descriptions (#1), browse their websites (#2), and preview their previous work (#3) to get a full picture of who they are and what they offer.

To submit your manuscript for consideration, click the “Apply” button on the thumbnail. This will move their thumbnail from the Available section to the Selected section. You may submit your work to as many as three publishers or consultants (see below).

Once your chosen publishers/consultants are moved to Selected, click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page to continue.

Finalize your applications and review estimates

Before leaving the Build a Book process, you’ll need to confirm your applications. Click the “Finish” button, and you’ll be directed to your dashboard.

You’ll now find your book project listed under the Pending section on your main dashboard. When a project appears under the Pending section, you may review the project summary and either accept or reject the estimate given by the publisher/consultant. All other links will be grayed out and unavailable until the project graduates to the next sections.

Accepting an estimate

Publishers and consultants have 5 business days to respond to your application. View the status of your applications and review estimates by clicking on the "Estimates" link beside your pending book project on your dashboard (see below).

A publisher/consultant who has not yet responded appears in yellow (see The Great Publishing below). If a publisher/consultant declines your project, their estimate appears in red (see Wuthering Heights Books below).

An estimate will appear in blue (see Dickens and Co. below). It will include the name of the publisher, the proposed budget, a downloadable contract, and estimate details. To accept an estimate, download the contract by clicking the contract document link (beside “Original contract”). Sign the contract (you can either use a printer and scanner or use a digital signature) and upload your signed version. Don’t forget to click “Save.” Finally, click the “Hire” button.

When you hire a publisher/consultant, PubLaunch will notify any other publishers/consultants you’ve applied to and their names will be removed from the Estimates page. The estimate that you’ve approved becomes green (see below).

Choosing a new publisher or consultant

If you’re unhappy with the estimates you’ve received or if your application is declined by your chosen publishers/consultants, you can return to the Build a Book process and make a new selection by clicking on the title of your book project on your dashboard (see below).

Remove your current selections by clicking the “Remove” button on their thumbnails, and then choose new publishers/consultants under the Available heading by clicking the “Apply” button. When you’re ready, click the “Next” button at the bottom of your screen and finalize your submission by clicking “Finish.”

Your book project will remain in the Pending section on your dashboard. You can use the “Estimates” link to view the status of your new applications and review your estimates.

Fund your project or pay direct

Once you’ve hired a publisher/consultant and uploaded your signed contract, your book project will move to the Live section of your main dashboard and the “Crowdfund or Pay” link becomes available (see below).

Use this link to choose a payment method (see below).

Paying directly

By paying directly (using the “Pay Now” button), you can begin to work with your publisher immediately. You will pay by credit card, and upon payment confirmation the “Launchroom” link becomes available on your dashboard. See our Launchroom user guide for an explanation of how to use our Launchroom. (Note that some publishers/consultants may choose to work with you outside of the PubLaunch system at this point.)

Crowdfunding your estimate

Choosing to crowdfund your project (using the “Create a Campaign” button) will prompt you to create a crowdfunding campaign. See our Crowdfunding user guide for details on campaign setup. Note that the “Campaign” link on your main dashboard will become available as soon as you have a saved draft of your campaign. You can return to your draft campaign at any time using this link from your dashboard.

Upon completion of a successful campaign, your suppliers are paid directly from your raised funds and the “Launchroom” link on your dashboard becomes available. (See our Launchroom user guide.) You can now begin working with your publisher/consultant.