Who can sign up as a supplier on PubLaunch?
I don’t reside in North America. Can I still use your site?
Do I have to complete my registration right away, or can I save my progress and complete it later?
What kind of rate do I set as a supplier?
Why does PubLaunch have a minimum rate for each service?
How do you estimate a book project based on my hourly rate or per page rate?
I’m waiting for PubLaunch to approve my profile. What am I being vetted for?
What is the optimal size of a profile picture?
Do I need to work on every book project that I’m selected for?
How and when do suppliers get paid?
How do I add my payment information?
What happens to my contract with a writer if their crowdfunding campaign fails?
How much time do I have to respond to a service request from a writer?
I need to collect sales and/or income taxes in my country. Does PubLaunch provide a tax breakdown?
Who can sign up as a supplier on PubLaunch?
We’re looking for editors, publishers, illustrators, designers, marketers, and publicists. If you’ve had any experience working on books, sign up as a supplier! (And if you don’t see your job on this list, let us know!)
I don’t reside in North America. Can I still use your site?
As a supplier, you’ll need to create an account with our payment processor, Stripe, to receive payments for your work. (Account setup can be done through your PubLaunch profile.) Stripe can only process payments to the specific countries listed on their website (if you are not in one of those countries, you’ll need a bank account in one of them): https://stripe.com/global
What are your fees?
PubLaunch will receive 10% of the payment made to you as a supplier as a commission fee. If you are an individual or business residing in Canada, PubLaunch is also required to charge sales tax on its commission, based on your province of residence/incorporation.
Do I have to complete my registration right away, or can I save my progress and complete it later?
Each step is saved to your profile, so you can leave at any time and return to it later. After your initial sign in, you can locate your registration through your dashboard:
1) Log in to publaunch.com by clicking the Log In link on the top, right-hand corner of the site.
2) Go to the My Account tab.
3) Click the "Edit My Account" button.
4) You'll see the tabs General Information, Services, and Upload Documents.
What kind of rate do I set as a supplier?
Structural editors, copy editors, and proofreaders set an hourly rate.
Indexers, interior designers, and ebook converters set a per page rate.
Illustrators set a per illustration rate.
Marketers and publicists set a per package rate.
If you are a publisher or publishing consultant, you don’t need to set a rate and instead will provide an estimate for each book submission you’d like to work on.
Why does PubLaunch have a minimum rate for each service?
Our pricing has rate minimums to keep competition fair and fees at a Canadian industry standard.
How do you estimate a book project based on my hourly rate or per page rate?
For editors, we use a manuscript's word count to calculate the number of hours the manuscript will take to edit, and then we multiply that by your hourly rate.
For interior designers, ebook converters, and indexers, we use a manuscript's word count and the book's trim size to estimate how many pages the book will be, and then we multiply that by your per page rate.
I’m waiting for PubLaunch to approve my profile. What am I being vetted for?
When we review a new supplier, we’re ensuring your profile has been filled out fully and accurately, your rates meet our minimum requirements, and you have proven ability to perform the service you’ve signed up for. Depending on your service, “proven ability” could include a competency test, a review of previous work, and/or your portfolio. Should you not pass your review, you’ll receive a detailed explanation and be invited to re-submit your profile.
How do I edit my profile or adjust my rates?
1) Log in to publaunch.com by clicking the Log In link on the top, right-hand corner of the site.
2) Go to the My Account tab.
3) Click the "Edit My Account" button.
4) You'll see the tabs General Information and Services, where you can update your profile information and your service rates.
What is the optimal size of a profile picture?
We recommend uploading a square JPEG image with a file size that doesn’t exceed 256 MBs. For both an appealing profile picture and thumbnail in the Marketplace, make sure that your photo can be cropped roughly 10% on the top and the bottom without cropping out anything important. There is also a gradient on the top of the thumbnail that accounts for another 13%. See the image below as an example:
Do I need to work on every book project that I’m selected for?
You don’t. When a writer requests that you join their publishing team, you can review the book project’s information, including the manuscript, before you choose to accept or reject the project. If you choose to decline, you can add a reason for your rejection.
How and when do suppliers get paid?
You’ll be paid as soon as the writer you’re working with has available funds. This could be right away (after you’ve both agreed to work with each other), or once their crowdfunding campaign has succeeded. You’ll receive all your funds through your Stripe account.
How do I add my payment information?
See our Supplier dashboard user guide: Connect your account to Stripe (so that you can get paid)
What happens to my contract with a writer if their crowdfunding campaign fails?
If you have a contract with a writer, and their crowdfunding campaign for their book project is not successful, that contract is considered null and void. Note that you can track your writer’s campaign from your supplier dashboard, and you’ll also receive an email notification should this occur.
How much time do I have to respond to a service request from a writer?
As per our terms of use, you have five business days to either accept or reject a service request from a writer.
I need to collect sales and/or income taxes in my country. Does PubLaunch provide a tax breakdown?
PubLaunch is still a small company, and we have both writers and suppliers from all over the world on our site. At this time, it is too difficult for us to track and program all international taxation laws. Therefore, your supplier rate is TAX INCLUSIVE, and your receipt for services (as well as the invoices provided to writers) will not include a breakdown of applicable taxes. Should you need to collect taxes, or should a writer require a tax breakdown, you are responsible for providing such an invoice.
Use the following link to help you break out applicable taxes from your rate or total payment:
Help! I got an error message. What do I do?
We want to know everything we can about any bugs or errors that pop up on the site so that we can fix it as quickly as possible. Please send a screenshot of your error and a description of the problem to [email protected].